Padangushtasana Other NamesToe Balance Pose, Toe to Nose Posture, Padangustasana, pada-Angushtha-Asana, padangushth Asan Description Pada means the foot. Angushtha implies the big toe. This posture is characterized by standing and holding the big toes. How to reach the stretch - From standing, take the feet hip distance apart. Exhale as you fold forward, taking hold of the big toes (see picture above).
- Inhale as look up to create length in the spine.
- Exhale and draw the length you've created down into the pose.
- Gaze back behind you.
How to release the stretch - Stay in this posture for few seconds as per the capacity (approx 20 sec). Breathe normally.
- Release the posture and relax.
Benefits It tones the abdominal muscles, increase digestive juices and help in relieving gastric troubles. Caution - Do not do the pose if you have a recent or chronic injury to the legs, arms or shoulders.
- Be cautious of your hamstrings to not overstretch them in this pose.
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