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Tantra-Yoga/ Tantr-Yog

Tantra explains (Tanoti) in great detail the knowledge concerning Tattva (Truth or Brahman) and Mantra (mystic syllables). It saves (Trayate). Hence it is called Tantra.

Tantra-Yoga had been one of the potent powers for the spiritual regeneration of the Hindus. When practiced by the ignorant, unenlightened, and unqualified persons, it has led to certain abuses; and there is no denying that some degraded forms of Shaktism have sought nothing but magic, immorality, and occult powers. An example of the perverted expression of the truth, a travesty of the original practices, is the theory of the five Makaras (Pancha Makaras);-Madya or wine, Mamsa or flesh, Matsya or fish, Mudra or symbolical acts, and Maithuna or coition. The esoteric meaning of these five Makaras is: "Kill egoism, control flesh, drink the wine of God-intoxication, and have union with Lord Siva".

Tantras are not the books of sorcery, witchcraft, magic spells, and mysterious formulae. They are wonderful scriptures. All persons without the distinctions of caste, creed, or colour may draw inspiration from them and attain spiritual strength, wisdom, and eternal bliss.


We at never recommend to go for tantra as it is a dangerous knowledge. It can harm your present and future. Get the history of any of the tantrik (who practice tantra), you will find that he/she died with a great pain. You have to pay for your deeds. When you have some super natural powers, its misuse is obvious.

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