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Intense Spread Leg Stretch Posture, Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose, Prasharita Padottana Asana, Prasarita Paduttan or Padottan Asan, Padotanasana


It is often suggested for people who cannot do Shirshasana , the headstand, so that they get similar benefits which include making the mind tranquil. In this standing pose the body is in a similar position to the one it is in in Upavistha-Konasana, a seated forward bend with the legs wide.

How to reach the stretch

  • Stand with your feet parallel to the end of your mat in the middle.
  • Start in Tadasana(Mountain Pose) standing straight and tall with feet together, hands on your hips.
  • Take a breath in and jump your legs apart a wide distance, a leg length and slightly more. For most, the leg distance should be as wide as possible keeping the feet parallel.
  • For some, who can easily bring the head to the floor between the parallel feet, the legs should only be as wide as necessary to bring top of the head to the floor with a straight (non-rounded) spine.
  • Keep the feet parallel and rooted into the earth. Raise your toes and reach forward with them. Make sure your arches of the feet are not collapsed.
  • Activate your quadriceps muscles pulling them up towards the pelvis and in towards the bone. This work in the upper front legs raises your kneecaps (patellae) safeguarding them in the pose.
  • Roll the metatarsal bones in your feet to the outside. This movement will help raise you’re the inner foot arches.
  • Keep all of this work in the active legs and feet throughout the pose.

How to release the stretch

    To come out, bring your hands back on the floor below your shoulders and lift and lengthen your front torso. Then with an inhalation, rest your hands on your hips, pull your tail bone down toward the floor, and swing the torso up. Walk or hop your feet back into Tadasana.


  • Strengthens and stretches the inner and back legs and the spine.
  • Tones the abdominal organs.
  • Calms the brain.
  • Relieves mild backache.


  • The persons who have lower-back problems: Avoid the full forward bend.
  • If you have lower-back problems, don’t go too deeply in the pose but rest your head and arms on a chair seat to make it easier on your back.
  • Come out of the pose slowly particularly if you have low blood pressure.
  • Be careful not to tilt the head or compress the neck if you put it on the floor.
  • Don’t hyperextend the knees so that they go backward. Lift the kneecaps for protection.

Next: Purna-Salabhasana

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