Murchha Other NamesMurcha, Moorcha, Moorchha, Behosh, Acheta, Murchha, Unconsciousness, Swooning  Description It involves a prolonged full pause held with a chin lock, until you experience the approach of fainting. Beginners may, indeed, faint. But experts remain seated upright, normally in the Lotus Posture, and attain a restful, pleasant suspension of consciousness. One breathes through both nostrils and may require several rounds and full pauses to attain his goal. How to do - Close your eyes.
- Breathing in through both the nostrils.
- Raise your head and tilt a little back so that your eyes are looking towards the sky.
- Retain your breathe in (Antarkumbhaka).
- Look up to the sky.
- Keep yourself in this position as long as you can.
- Close your eyes and come back to position, breathing out slowly.
- Repeat all the steps above without break in between. Do this exercise daily at least 5 times.
Benefits - The mind becomes free of all the feelings and the performer experiences joy.
- Through this Pranayama, thoughts and resolution decreases in the mind, and a person experiences the feeling of non-existence.
Caution This exercise is recommended only for those already well advanced in the use of other breathing techniques. Next Article: Yoga Pranayama: Plavini (Floating) |